Lets talk squat variations

Jun 27, 2023

When it comes to working out, squats are one of the best exercises you can do. They work your legs, glutes, and core, and can even help improve your posture. But did you know that there are many different variations of squats that you can do? In this post, we'll talk about some of the most popular squat variations and how to do them.

Bodyweight Squats

The most basic squat variation is the bodyweight squat. This is a great exercise for beginners or anyone who wants to work on their form. To do a bodyweight squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Lower your body down as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your weight in your heels. Your knees should be in line with your toes, and your back should be straight. Then, push through your heels to stand back up.

squat bodyweight

Goblet Squats

If you want to add some weight to your squats, but aren't ready for a barbell yet, goblet squats are a great option. To do a goblet squat, hold a dumbbell or kettlebell at your chest with both hands. Lower your body down as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your weight in your heels. Your elbows should be inside your knees, and your back should be straight. Then, push through your heels to stand back up.

goblet squat

Barbell Squats

Barbell squats are the classic squat variation. They're great for building strength and muscle in your legs and glutes. To do a barbell squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing slightly out. Rest the barbell on your upper back, keeping your elbows down and your chest up. Lower your body down as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your weight in your heels. Your knees should be in line with your toes, and your back should be straight. Then, push through your heels to stand back up.

barbell squat weights 4 women

Front Squats

Front squats are similar to barbell squats, but the barbell is held in front of your body instead of on your back. This variation works your quads and core more than traditional barbell squats. To do a front squat, hold the barbell at your shoulders with your elbows pointing forward. Lower your body down as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your weight in your heels. Your elbows should be inside your knees, and your back should be straight. Then, push through your heels to stand back up.

front squat weights 4 women

Sumo Squats

Sumo squats are a variation that targets your inner thighs more than traditional squats. To do a sumo squat, stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing out. Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell with both hands in front of your body. Lower your body down, keeping your weight in your heels and your back straight. Your knees should be in line with your toes. Then, push through your heels to stand back up.

sumo squat weights 4 eomen


There are many different squat variations that you can do to target different muscles and add variety to your workouts. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced lifter, there's a squat variation that's right for you. So, next time you hit the gym, try mixing up your squats with some of these variations.